When Something Ends, Some Other Thing Will Start Again …

They must realize that life is not about a single relationship and that is the end. Life is about finding the right partner in different relationships that you go through. I do not believe in finding the right person the first time (speaking from experience). I may not be as lucky as those who did. But please remember that it is not the end of the world if we failed the first time! Do not give up, just keep trying like Edison did when he invented the electricity!

When most people are lost in love, the most frequently question is:

“Where Were You, When I Needed You?”

Lyrics Of Song

Sometimes I Wish I Could Die
There Are Times I Wish I’m Alive
At Times When I’ve Lost All My Courage
That’s The Time I Wished I Was Dead
That’s The Time I Wished I Was Dead

*** 1st Chorus ***

*** There Are Times When I Feel So Lonesome
I’m Hiding In A World Of My Own
When My Whole World Comes Crushing Down
There Is No One Around
There Is No One Around ***

Sometimes I Feel Very Sad
That’s The Time I Feel Really Bad
And If Only We Could Be Together
You Can Bet You’ll Be My Treasure
You Can Bet I’ll Love You Forever

*** 2nd Chorus ***

*** When I Tried To Turn To You
You Never Never Ever Knew
Through My Sadness I Start To Feel
“Oh God! He Is There!”
My Only Friend Who Cares ***

*** Adlib ***

*** 2nd Chorus Twice ***

*** Coda ***

When I Needed You
Where Were You?

All Copyrights © Reserved 2005. Richard HF LEE.

The Thoughts Of The Composer / Producer

In bad relationships, like I have said above, people resort to think all sorts of things. They retreat into their own world and think very negatively.

At one stage, they want to die. At another stage, they want to live again. They get so confused and mixed up. They feel that they are forsaken by everybody! It is so sad that no friends are around when they needed them. People you call “friends”, do actually disappear in times like this because they are too afraid to give you their frank opinions and the support. So if you have friends like these, strike them off the list! This goes for relatives too (very often, they have the most unpleasant things to say), if they behave so unsupportive!

However, for the more sensible ones, they turn to God. In their loneliest of hours, they find their inner-peace through God. So in moments like these, their only friend is God. God is there wherever and whenever you needed Him. (Disclaimer: This song is written with no intention of touching on any religious matters of any religion).

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When I Needed You (Full Song)

<bgsound src="When I Needed You.mp3"></bgsound>

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